INDIANOSPITAL is an Indian Diaspora initiative to provide medical tourism services to the needy across the globe, primarily in India.

Wellness is multidimensional — spanning the physical, mental, social, emotional, spiritual, and environmental spheres — wellness travel is also multifaceted. It encompasses a large and diverse set of activities and pursuits, including preventive health services, spas, beauty, fitness, personal growth, nature, and much more. This, in turn, creates opportunities for all kinds of businesses and providers.

Medical tourism has witnessed significant growth in recent years, with India emerging as a preferred destination due to its advanced healthcare infrastructure, skilled medical professionals, and cost-effective treatments. Indianospital intends to leverage these strengths and capitalize on the expanding market by offering comprehensive medical tourism services to both international patients and the Indian diaspora living abroad.

Indianospital is a proposed medical tourism venture that aims to provide high-quality healthcare services to international patients seeking affordable and world-class medical treatments in India.

Our Mission and Vision


To be the premier medical tourism company, connecting the global Indian Diaspora community with world-class healthcare services in India and beyond, ensuring exceptional care and healing for all.


Our mission is to provide comprehensive and personalised medical tourism solutions to individuals within the Indian Diaspora and beyond.